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Parsing JSON in 38 lines of Haskell
We build a tiny javascript object notation parser, while still remaining RFC compliant and without losing readability.
Let's get started!
First, let's get the module declaration out of the way.
module Tiny.Json where
Then, a handful of imports. We'll be using a few things from base
, and parsec
, a commonly-used parser-combinator library.
import Prelude
import Data.List (dropWhileEnd, intercalate)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Char (chr)
import Text.Parsec
We need to define our JSON data type. This is really easy.
data Json = JO [(String,Json)] | JA [Json] | JS String | JN (Int,Int) | JB Bool
| JU deriving (Show, Eq)
Here we define some convenience functions for running our top-level json
parser, which we will define next.
parseJson :: String -> Json -- To stop aggressive type checker over-inferring
parseJson str = either (error . show) id $ runJsonParser str
runJsonParser = runParser (json <* eof) () "
Now we can get to the JSON parser. We define the top-level json
parser as the sum of its subparsers.
json = spaces *> (jo <|> ja <|> js <|> jn <|> jb <|> ju) <* spaces <?> "json"
Now, we're define each of the sub-parsers.
jassoc = (,) <$> (spaces *> str) <*> (spaces *> char ':' *> json)
jo = JO <$> betweenChar '{' '}' (sepBy jassoc (char ',')) <?> "jobject"
ja = JA <$> betweenChar '[' ']' (sepBy json (char ',')) <?> "jarray"
js = JS <$> str <?> "jstring"
jn = JN <$> sci <?> "jnumber"
jb = JB <$> (string "true" $> True <|> string "false" $> False) <?> "jbool"
ju = string "null" $> JU <?> "jnil"
Then we need to define our sci
scientific number parser.
sci = do
(rsign, real) <- liftA2 (,) sign (many1 digit)
frac <- dropWhileEnd (== '0') <$> option "" (char '.' *> many1 digit)
(esign, exp) <- option (1,0)
$ char 'e' *> liftA2 (,) sign (read <$> many1 digit)
return ((rsign * read (real ++ frac), esign * exp - length frac)) <?> "sci")
And then the str
escaped string parser too.
str = betweenChar '\"' '\"' (many escChar) <?> "escaped string" where
escChar = (noneOf "\\\"\n\t\f\b\r" <?> "unescaped char")
<|> (char '\\' *> (try unicode <|> unesc <$> esc) <?> "escaped char")
esc = oneOf "\\/\"ntfbr" <?> "escape sequence"
unesc x = maybe x id $ lookup x escapes
escapes = [('n','\n'),('t','\t'),('f','\f'),('b','\b'),('r','\r')]
unicode = do
code <- char 'u' *> count 4 hexDigit
when (null code) $ fail "bad unicode escape"
(return $ chr $ read ("0x" ++ code)) <?> "unicode"
Finally, we're left with defining a few helper functions betweenChar
and sign
, which we use in a few places.
betweenChar a b = between (char a) (char b)
sign = option 1 (char '+' $> 1 <|> char '-' $> (-1)) <?> "sign"
All put together, it's only 38 lines of code, and it fully and properly implements the RFC JSON spec. Not too bad.
Originally, this parser was 34 lines, but a few of those lines broke the 80 character limit that I decided to impose for this article.
- Leo D., May 2022